
Showing posts from May, 2009

other tongues

steve a moment ago two members of our table started talking at once and it’s now deteriorated into a shouting game of words collapsing into a barrage of meaningless sounds getting louder and louder as i shunt my chair back and am met by yet more grunting noises coming this time from the table behind where steve is girning his jaw jutting forward in primordial birthing groans his eyes wide and excited as he surges out of his seat towards me barking OTTER! OTTER! pressing both forefingers into his shoulders gesturing at himself or maybe inside himself to where there’s the thought of a whiskered face twitching black eyed glossy painted coat slipping sleek from the waters and into the room as a blurted word that was bred when a sign and an idea converged in his mind nurtured within and sustained by thought until the time he set it free as a pronouncement which reminds me that words depend on a person to speak them first bumping about within us fusing with concepts until satiated with mean
Testing, testing...